Change Processes

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We support organizations and their leaders to change themselves in a way that allows them to sustainably increase their results. We provide guidance for action and back-up feedback and encourage experimenting with behaviors. We help to focus on outcomes as a path to bring about change. For that we provide processes, methodologies, models and ideas for the steps towards results and we offer out partnering. In doing so we strengthen the organization's capacity to observe, reflect and exchange what is happening and so being involved in the decision to change.

› Agile business unit

Self-organized, nimble, quick and result-focused collaboration as a business is the potential of a business unit beyond individual capability. This needs a shared purpose, common understanding of the goal and mutual encouragement of the colleagues. This formative situation can be reached by practicing overlapping responsibilities for results instead of pursuing fragmented actions, by clarifying roles through purpose instead of looking for demarcation. And it is important developing solutions in joint iterations instead of closed concept implementation. For leaders, it is a challenge to create these conditions, since many employees will have been brought up in a traditional organizational model.

› Realizing change and directing change management

Behavioral patterns and procedures are usually anchored by previous experience of success. Change needs a new and different experience. If different approaches lead to a new energizing experience, and if this experience is scaled up and confirmed by leaders, then new patterns may emerge. The first step of leadership must be to target goals, that definitely need change of behavior patterns. But a change in behavior is a means, not a goal. Change does not happen by implementing methodology. Culture change programs seldom deliver.

› Developing leadership culture

It is one of the tasks of leadership to create the behaviors that generate results. Engrained patterns of behavior strongly determine how an organization reacts to challenges and how it adapts. Leadership has to establish the organizational experience processes through which effective and creative patterns form. As a first step, leaders need to embrace the methods of observing and shaping behavior.

› Survey and management dialogue as a change process

Employee surveys can be instrumental in increasing the impact of leadership. Often, surveys are deployed without a commitment to a consistent management follow-up, Surveys should target a comprehensible question for the organization. Then, the process of evaluating and interpreting the findings is as important as generating the data. Surveys without a transparent dialogue about the results and conclusions will be a barrier to engagement and are prone to creating cynicism instead of engagement.

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