Essentials for Strategists
with topical issues drawing on three modules

One hour webinars for strategists, strategy teams and individuals, involved in strategy.


Module I
Strategy Design Principals

Strategy versus business model, segment definition, value concept, dimensions of product advantage, process advantages, process based view of value, organizational advantages, support structure, business ecology fit,  expansion from pipeline to platform, strategic trends, basic directions of overall strategic advantage, concept of synergy between businesses, complete strategy solution, function strategies, orientation through mission - values - vision.


Module II
Strategy Process and Methodology

Method: Design process steps and principles, actual strategy analysis, value migration, goal setting, gap analysis, segment definition, understanding of driving forces, effective analysis, discovering and analyzing assumptions, understanding the customer ecology, evaluating competition, anticipating disruptive moves and attacks on the value chain, capturing success factors, effective SWOT-analysis, productive design loop iterations, target agreement, from strategy to business plan and budget

Process: Strategy protagonists, methodology of strategy debate avoiding bias, connecting organizational levels, creating evidence for test, designing strategy meetings, establishing a strategy process, linking strategy + performance management.


Module III
Strategy Realization and Change

Strategy as capability building, strategy as a learning process, cultural potential and barriers, behavior patterns related to a new strategy, realization versus implementation mindset, personal + group + organizational learning, total project vs. focused approach, breaking down a strategy into initiatives, result focused progress, deploying agile teams working simultaneously, synchronization of teams, strategy project and initiatives management, experience of successes driving change, feeding back agile experience into organizational set up, consecutional change of procedures and regulations, engrained process of strategic targeting and adaptive learning, process monitoring and development


Your coaches:
Thomas Leder
Wolfgang Bullmer

Dates: Regular sessions every five to six weeks or by arrangement Deep dive follow up sessions can be arranged.

Tel: +49-69-716736-30, office(at)

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