Cases of Impact: Pharmaceuticals

  • A pharmaceutical manufacturer makes use of a product launch to align the strategy with the changing demand of the health system. A process for strategic definition and product launch is being defined and becomes proven practice. Success of launches and re-launch becomes a competitive advantage.
  • A "big pharma“-company steps into a new business area with a new product. The market entry strategy concentrates on how the processes of treatment providers and patients can be improved with the utilization of the product. Competitive advantage through focused services beyond product benefits is realized.
  • A manufacturer of medical hygiene products sees internal borders between functions and units to be a bottleneck to developing presence in new market segments. So key business processes are oriented towards creating new growth. After four months, the total value chain performs faster and more efficiently while the commitment and motivation of co-workers and leadership alike has risen.
  • After merging of a newly acquired biotech company, with a newly formed business, a corporation of "big pharma" must build a culturally unified business unit. The newly assembled management team develops an identity by accepting this common task. The management team conducts an employee survey about the differences of behaviour and the bottlenecks in the business processes. Based on these perceptions, the team sets a focus on the business challenge, plans for shared success as a unit and defines a governance process to track success. Two crucial product launch projects reap tremendous success and develop market leadership.